10 Magic Academy Book Series You Can Binge Read Today! Part 2: Highschool/ Teen

Welcome, adventurers and magic enthusiasts!

Are you ready to embark on a spellbinding journey through the enchanting worlds of high school magic academies? If you've ever dreamt of wielding a wand, mastering spells, or uncovering hidden mysteries in a world filled with magic, then you're in for a treat.

In this blog post, we'll share ten amazing magic school fantasy series you can binge-read today!

Get ready to discover sprawling campuses, encounter mystical creatures, forge unbreakable bonds, and unravel ancient secrets.

So, grab your spellbooks and join us as we explore the captivating realm of fantasy academia!

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  1. The Scholomance by Naomi Novik

Fantasy| Urban Fantasy | Paranormal Romance | Magic


Book #1 Blurb- A Deadly Education

Lesson One of the Scholomance: Learning has never been this deadly.

A Deadly Education is set at Scholomance, a school for the magically gifted where failure means certain death (for real) — until one girl, El, begins to unlock its many secrets.'

There are no teachers, no holidays, and no friendships, save strategic ones. Survival is more important than any letter grade, for the school won’t allow its students to leave until they graduate… or die! The rules are deceptively simple: Don’t walk the halls alone. And beware of the monsters who lurk everywhere.

El is uniquely prepared for the school’s dangers. She may be without allies, but she possesses a dark power strong enough to level mountains and wipe out millions. It would be easy enough for El to defeat the monsters that prowl the school. The problem? Her powerful dark magic might also kill all the other students.

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2. The Coven: Academy Magic by Chandelle LaVaun

Fantasy | Urban Fantasy | Paranormal Romance | Magic | Witches


Book #1 Blurb- The Hidden Witch

Magic. Isn’t. Real.

At least that's what I thought. But now, my story is changing...

You know you’re invisible when even your bullies forget to pick on you. That’s me, Bettina Blair, hidden in plain sight. No matter how hard I try I just never fit in with my classmates.

Now I know why. I’m a witch...apparently.

One little demon attack and my parents confess their ugly secret…and ship me off to an elite academy of magic- for witches only.

I can't summon magic. I can't fight with my hands or my fists. I just don't belong here, and Jackson Lancaster keeps reminding me every single chance he gets. This boy is the most insufferable, intolerable, unbearable, judgmental person to ever have the right to be that gorgeous. I don’t care how sexy his British accent is, or that literally everyone else on campus adores him. He hates me, and the feeling is mutual.

Suddenly, I’m sent on a quest into the Old Lands to find the only thing that can save Eden from a demon invasion. I’m in way over my head, and my best chance of coming back alive lies in the hands of the guy who wants me gone…

The Hidden Witch is the first book in a brand new, fast paced urban fantasy adventure featuring a sharp-witted heroine, swoon-worthy hero, and one epic hate-to-love rollercoaster set inside a magical academy!

*Disclaimer: Academy Magic is Season Two in The Coven Series. It can be read as a standalone but contains some spoilers for Season One - Elemental Magic.

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3. Simon Snow by Rainbow Rowell

Fantasy | Magic | LGBT | Romance | Vampires


Book #1 Blurb- Carry On

Simon Snow is the worst Chosen One who's ever been chosen.'

That's what his roommate, Baz, says. And Baz might be evil and a vampire and a complete git, but he's probably right.

Half the time, Simon can't even make his wand work, and the other half, he starts something on fire. His mentor's avoiding him, his girlfriend broke up with him, and there's a magic-eating monster running around, wearing Simon's face. Baz would be having a field day with all this, if he were here — it's their last year at the Watford School of Magicks, and Simon's infuriating nemesis didn't even bother to show up.

Carry On - The Rise and Fall of Simon Snow is a ghost story, a love story and a mystery. It has just as much kissing and talking as you'd expect from a Rainbow Rowell story - but far, far more monsters.

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4. Shadowspell Academy by K.F. Breene, Shannon Mayer

Fantasy | Urban Fantasy | Paranormal Romance | Magic | Vampires | Supernatural


Book #1 Blurb- The Culling Trials

You Don’t Choose The Academy. The Academy Chooses You.

I had no idea how those words would change my life. Or how they’d changed my life already…

Until the day the most dangerous man I’ve ever met waltzed onto my farm and left us a death sentence.

In an invitation

My younger brother has been chosen for the prestigious, secret magical school hidden within the folds of our mundane world. A place so dangerous, they don’t guarantee you’ll make it out alive.

If he doesn't go our entire family will be killed.

It’s the same invitation my older brother received three years ago—the same place he mysteriously died.

The academy has already killed one sibling. I’ll be damned if they take another.

I do the only thing an older sister can: chop off my hair, strap on two bras to flatten the girls, and take my brother’s place.

Magic and monsters are real. Assassins are coming for me, and the dead are prone to rise. What’s a girl faking it as a boy supposed to do? That’s right—beat the academy at its own game.

Or die trying.

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5. Crave by Tracy Wolff

Urban Fantasy | Paranormal Romance | Magic | Vampires | Supernatural | Shifters | Monsters


Book #1 Blurb- Crave

My whole world changed when I stepped inside the academy. Nothing is right about this place or the other students in it. Here I am, a mere mortal among gods…or monsters. I still can’t decide which of these warring factions I belong to, if I belong at all. I only know the one thing that unites them is their hatred of me.

Then there’s Jaxon Vega. A vampire with deadly secrets who hasn’t felt anything for a hundred years. But there’s something about him that calls to me, something broken in him that somehow fits with what’s broken in me.

Which could spell death for us all.

Because Jaxon walled himself off for a reason. And now someone wants to wake a sleeping monster, and I’m wondering if I was brought here intentionally—as the bait.

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6. Montrose Paranormal Academy by Barbara Hartzler

Fantasy | Urban Fantasy | Paranormal Romance | Magic


Book #1 Blurb- The Nexis Secret

Three power-hungry secret societies desperately want the strange girl who sees angels. For what? Beats me. Hi, I’m Lucy and I just discovered I’m not normal.

After my brother’s disappearance, I enrolled in the super-elite academy where he was last seen on U.S. soil. Now two totally gorgeous secret society guys are fighting over which club I get to join. Seriously? As if I want anything to do with the people who banished my brother.

But I need to play nice to get anyone from the Three Societies to talk to me. One problem. I’m too good at my job. When the Nexis Society president accidently spills a little-known family secret, I’m left scrambling to figure out who I really am.

I’ve always known my family was special, but now I’m about to find out why.

Not everyone’s happy I’m at Montrose Paranormal academy. The resident mean girls don’t appreciate my snarky attitude. The Three Societies all want me to join up. Plus, I have to figure out how to use my newfound powers without obliterating an entire city block. Oh yeah, and there’s some kind of crazy prophecy about me.

It’s tough staying under the radar when you’re a Chosen One. Well, I prefer badass heroine. Take your pick.

Montrose Paranormal Academy, The Nexis Secret is book 1 in the Montrose Paranormal Academy series for teens. It’s a Clean Academy Paranormal YA series full of slow burn romance, snarky dialogue, and urban fantasy adventure set in New York City. Think Shadow Hunters meets Shatter Me with a dash of Bloodline Academy.

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7. Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead

Urban Fantasy | Paranormal Romance | Magic | Vampires | Supernatural


Book #1 Blurb- Vampire Academy

Only a true best friend can protect you from your immortal enemies...

Lissa Dragomir is a Moroi princess: a mortal vampire with a rare gift for harnessing the earth's magic. She must be protected at all times from Strigoi; the fiercest vampires—the ones who never die. The powerful blend of human and vampire blood that flows through Rose Hathaway, Lissa's best friend, makes her a dhampir. Rose is dedicated to a dangerous life of protecting Lissa from the Strigoi, who are hell-bent on making Lissa one of them.

After two years of freedom, Rose and Lissa are caught and dragged back to St. Vladimir's Academy, a school for vampire royalty and their guardians-to-be, hidden in the deep forests of Montana. But inside the iron gates, life is even more fraught with danger... and the Strigoi are always close by.

Rose and Lissa must navigate their dangerous world, confront the temptations of forbidden love, and never once let their guard down, lest the evil undead make Lissa one of them forever...

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8. Genesis Academy by Barbara Hartzler

Fantasy | Paranormal Humor | Fantasy Adventure | Morocco | Paranormal Romance


Book #1 Blurb- Genesis Academy: The Seer's Legacy

One day I’m the darling of the Guardians and the next our whole family is running for their lives.All because I saw my first premonition ever …

Now they want me to go undercover at Genesis Academy, the Guardian’s school for rebels and rejects. Me—the goody-goody science nerd with the brand new powers. Oh, and I have to keep my budding Seer powers a secret. Too bad they manifest at the worst times.At least I have one person on my side, my fabulous roomie. Except, her brooding brother is the bane of my existence. Maybe because he’s totally gorgeous, completely off-limits, and absolutely forbidden.

But there’s one BIG problem—he keeps drawing attention to me when I’m trying to blend in. Will he blow my cover?There’s a bigger bad guy out there who wants my powers. If I can’t blend in at Genesis Academy, I'll put my whole family in danger.Can I keep my Seer status secret and keep my family safe?

Welcome to Genesis Academy …Genesis Academy, The Seer’s Legacy is book 1 in a YA Urban Fantasy series. It’s a novel full of slow burn romance, paranormal humor, coming of age drama, and fantasy adventure set in Morocco. Think Shadow Hunters meets Harry Potter with a dash of Darkblood Academy.

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9. Spellcrest Academy by Michael Pierce

Fantasy | Urban Fantasy | Paranormal Romance | Witches | Reverse Harem


Book #1 Blurb- spellcrest academy

Maeve Rhodes is not your typical Good Samaritan. However, when she stumbles upon a fallen, elderly woman, she stops and tries to do the right thing. Little does she know that this chance encounter will forever change the direction of her life.

Marked with a new tattoo emblazoned across her chest and struggling to control a whole host of new powers, Maeve finds her life spiraling out of control. That is, until one more chance encounter offers an explanation… and a privileged opportunity to attend Spellcrest Academy.

Paired with a shy elf and a moody Nephilim, Maeve quickly takes to her new home at the premier magical institution. Not to mention the dreamy senior advisor whom, for some idiotic reason, she can’t stop thinking about. Love at first sight is sappy sh—crap for fairy tales, not real life. However, she can’t deny the instant connection.

As the school year progresses, Maeve discovers her invitation to the academy might not have been so innocent after all. Sinister forces want her unique abilities and are willing to kill for them.

Maeve doesn’t just need to survive her classes, she must survive the plots against her, a decades-old magical war, and following her capricious heart. She’s never been a stranger to diving into danger. But this time, she might be in over her head.

Start a fun and fierce magical adventure full of mystery and intrigue, laughs and sass, and unexpected turns sure to take your breath away.

If you’re a fan of Bella Forrest or Leia Stone, then this will be one hell of a ride you won’t want to miss.

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10. The School of Roots and Vines by Martha Carr, Michael Anderle

Fantasy | Urban Fantasy | Magic | Paranormal

Book #1 Blurb- Sophie Briggs and the Spike of Death

Sophia Briggs has passed the entrance exam and is a freshman at the famous School of Roots and Vines. The young magical is an Elemental with a twist. She can help everything that grows out of the ground – and then some. Her magic is a kind that hasn’t been seen in generations.

A secret even to her, but not for long.

In the center of the boarding school stands an oversized oak tree that stretches across the campus and houses the classrooms – and is still alive. Even the tree holds a powerful secret that is being protected by a few.

But there are dark forces that are searching for the roots of the secret, and they pose a threat to the school.

Will Sophia discover what special magic she holds in time? Will it be enough?

There is even an enemy among them that could bring it all down if Sophie and her new crew of friends don’t unravel the mystery in time. Can you figure out the secrets of The School of Roots and Vines?

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10. School of Magic Survival by Chloe Garner

Fantasy | Urban Fantasy | Paranormal Romance | Magic | Witches


Book #1 Blurb- Surviving Magic

If Valerie is going to learn how to use magic, she must first learn how to survive it.

Valerie grew up a normal girl. In high school, she was popular, smart, happy.

But all that changes when her mother's former life - a life kept hidden from Valerie - collides into Valerie's reality.

Forced to walk away from everything she's always known, Valerie finds herself in a magic school where she may be protected, but she certainly isn't liked.

Facing classmates who resent her for being there and a faculty who are caught up in the same secret war that threatened her mother, Valerie is going to have to flourish or perish in her new reality.

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I hope you found some wonderful new magic school books to add to your TBR! Get ready to immerse yourself in the captivating worlds of these magical academies and start your binge-reading journey today. Happy reading!

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