Author Interview N. K. Leem
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Books by N. K Leem
A Bit About N. K. Leem
You can often find me in the corner with a laptop, lost in my own world adventuring with the people inside my head. Sometimes, those daydreams turn into books!
My stories feature magic, adventure, strong friendships, and lgbtq+ characters. They tend to be dark with lots of pain and tears. If you look hard, you can find bits of happiness buried under all the anguish! A happy ending is never guaranteed.
I’m currently preparing to release the fifth installment of my high fantasy series, Ledgers of a Dark Mage! I hope to release the sixth and the final installment shortly after then start working on the stand-alones for some of the side characters. There's also a certain necromancer and his demon who keeps demanding I write their story.
Now lets get into the interview …
Interview with Author N. K . Leem
1. Can you tell me a bit about yourself and how you became an author?
I’ve always enjoyed writing. I used to write short stories as a kid then began writing longer, more complex works as I got older–I think a pile of my old notebooks is still in one of the closets at my mother’s house! I stopped writing for a while in college because life was pretty busy, then picked it back up again shortly after graduating.
I decided to publish a few years ago because I wanted to share my characters and their stories with others who love fantasy worlds as much as I do. At the time, I didn’t think many people would read my books or like them–if a few people enjoyed them, that would have been enough for me! I was very surprised by the love and support my books received! My readers are amazing and I can’t thank them enough!
2. What do you like to do when you aren’t writing?
I like to read in my spare time! Fantasy is my favorite genre but sometimes I mix it up with historical fiction or contemporaries. I also like to draw my characters! You can check out some of my art on insta! @n.k.leem
3. What authors, books, TV shows, movies, or fandoms are your favourites?
Growing up, I loved The Lord of the Rings, The Wheel of Time, and Merlin (BBC). I like Marvel movies and Leigh Bardugo’s Grishaverse, including Shadow & Bone on Netflix! Horror is my favorite genre when it comes to the screen. Some of my favorite movies are by Guillermo del Toro and Tim Burton.
4. Do you have pets, and do they help or hinder your writing?
I have two dogs–a maltipoo and a golden retriever. The maltipoo is a rescue I adopted about six years ago and he’s a complete sweetheart! The golden is a big teddy bear who loves everyone. They are both pretty quiet and well-behaved!
5. What comes first for you— plot, characters, or world building- and why?
Characters always come first for me. They appear in my head as vague ideas and begin taking shape as I daydream about their lives. Then they start taking me on adventures, demanding I write their story.
I think I always start with the characters because they are the most important things for me when writing. All my books are very character-driven!
6. What is your writing process like? Are you more of a plotter or a pantser?
A bit of both! I have a general idea of the plot and the major events but I let the rest come as I write. My outlines are very simple, with no more than a 2 or 3 sentence description for each chapter. The characters do their own thing and it’s a lot of fun because I often don’t know how the scenes will unfold.
7. What do you need in your writing space to help you stay focused?
Coffee! Usually black, or occasionally with a bit of milk. I also love matcha lattes. They are so delicious!
8. What’s your writing software of choice?
Scrivener for writing and Vellum for formatting. For creating covers, I use a combination of Illustrator and Photoshop.
9. Where do you like to write?
The desk, the couch, or the bed. I tend to alternate between the three when at home. You can also often find me in the local cafes.
10. What is your most productive time of day for writing?
The desk, the couch, or the bed. I tend to alternate between the three when at home. You can also often find me in the local cafes.
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11. What is your favourite and least favourite part of publishing?
Connecting with the readers has to be my favorite part! It really brightens my day when someone reaches out to tell me they’ve enjoyed my books. The first several weeks after a release are very exciting because people often message me to share their thoughts! I have so much fun chatting with the readers!
My least favorite part is probably the last round of proofreading. It can be pretty grueling at times because at this point, I’ve gone through the manuscript so many times and the anticipation for the release is high. But I still enjoy it because it’s all part of the process!
12. How do you celebrate when one of your books is released?
Sometimes, I go out to dinner with my family. Then I dive straight into writing the next book!
13. What are your favourite forms of fan appreciation?
I’m always incredibly grateful for all forms of fan appreciation! Knowing someone took the time to write a review, create fan art, send letters, post to bookstagram, etc. makes me feel so honored!
14. Do you plan to write in other genres or subgenres in the future, if so which ones?
I’d like to try writing horror one day! I have a few ideas.
15. If you could choose any fantasy worlds to visit, where would you go?
Westeros and Middle-Earth but only if I’m guaranteed a 100% chance of survival! All fantasy worlds I enjoy are way too dangerous for a casual visit.
16. Would you share something about yourself that your readers might not know (yet)?
One of my favorite video games is Dead by Daylight. It’s an online survival horror game where you have to work with other players to fix generators to escape a killer. Sounds weird when you write it out but it’s a super fun game!
Thank you so much to N.K Leem for taking the time to share with us. Be sure to check out her books and leave review on Amazon and Goodreads!