Author Interview Bethany Arliss
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A Bit About Bethany Arliss
Where does Bethany Live?
Rural Victoria, Australia
Author Bio
While Bethany's fantasy might be to travel in the Tardis with The Doctor, she finds adventure instead through her bad-ass female characters. Her action-packed stories are set in fantastic fantasy worlds. They are threaded with female friendships and trimmed with fresh romance.
Bethany has been a nurse, a manager, and an IT nerd. She's a member of the Victorian Writers Center and continually works to hone the craft of writing.
She lives in country Victoria with her hubby, two dogs and some chickens. She enjoys growing her own food and taking in magnificent sunsets at the day's end.
Now lets get into the interview . . .
Interview with Author Bethany Arliss
1. Can you tell me a bit about yourself and how you became an author?
I’ve been a writer since my teenage years. I loved to make up characters and have them interacted with each other. It was like playing with dolls! For teenagers. Still, my writing was for the joy of it and family and career took precedence for many years. My love of writing never went away though and finally, I reached a point in life where I was able to give it my all. I now work part time in a ‘real’ job and write full time!
2. What do you like to do when you aren’t writing?
I love to play with my two dogs, enjoy the company of friends and potter in the garden. I also like to stay fit. Which, if I’m honest, is not something I am ALWAYS good at.
3. What authors, books, TV shows, movies, or fandoms are your favourites?
Oh my gosh, Sarah J Maas is one of my favorite authors, but there are so many others that I admire greatly. Laini Taylor, Brandon Sanderson, Patrick Rothfuss, George RR Martin, Stephen King, Andy Weir, Robin Hobb… I could go on.
Movies and TV shows: I love all things Sci-fi and fantasy. I am an unashamed Whovian and massive fan of the Marvell movies.
4. Do you have pets, and do they help or hinder your writing?
I have two dogs, a Maltese and a toy poodle. I also have five chickens that keep me in fresh eggs every day. The dogs keep me sane, so not a hindrance to my writing at all They lay by my feet each day as I write, my (mostly) silent cheer squad.
5. What comes first for you— plot, characters, or world building- and why?
The story idea for Aracron came to me a dream! But it was a vague idea of ‘what if’. I then filled in the rest. It is a real evolution from story idea to fully realized, finished book.
6. What is your writing process like? Are you more of a plotter or a pantser?
A bit of an outliner, then I see where the story and my characters take me. I’m very happy to slam on the brakes and skid around a corner in a different direction if needed.
7. What do you need in your writing space to help you stay focused?
Peace and quiet. I don’t listen to music or have the television on the background. I’m a fully immersed kinda girl.
8. What’s your writing software of choice?
I use Scrivener. I have found it to be a great tool in the writing process.
9. Where do you like to write?
I’m lucky enough to have a home office. It usually messy with notebooks and scribbled notes scattered about. I’d love one of those super pretty spaces you see on Instagram, but I’m not sure that will ever be me.
10. What is your most productive time of day for writing?
I’m a morning writer. I get up early and get on with my day. Mid afternoon sees me spent and curled up on the couch reading.
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11. What is the most valuable piece of advice you’ve been given about writing?
I can’t go past the legendary, Stephen King.
“If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot. There's no way around these two things that I'm aware of, no shortcut.”
— Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
12. How do you plan to celebrate when your book is released?
I’m planning a launch party BBQ with all my friends. This writing gig is hard and finishing a book is a big deal. We should celebrate when we have achieved something so awesome as writing a book!
13. Do you plan to write in other genres or subgenres in the future, if so which ones?
I will stick to writing fantasy. It’s what I love.
14. What are your favourite resource recommendations for new writers?
I have to say I got a lot from Margie Lawson’s Writing Academy in the early days. They helped me onto the straight and narrow with great, supportive teachers.
15. If you could choose any fantasy worlds to visit, where would you go?
Well, if I had access to The Tardis, I could go anywhere, in any time. 😊
Thank you so much to Bethany Arliss for taking the time to share with us. Be sure to check out her book and leave review on Amazon and Goodreads!